How to cultivate Stephania ?
How to cultivate Stephania ?
Date:2013-11-29 Click: 127

Some friends ask how to cultivate stephania. The stephania is a root plants, red timbo, green leaves, purple flower.This article is based on his two friends spend Experience mountain tortoise cultivation methods, the most frequently encountered are novice problems today as we introduce the mountain tortoise cultivation techniques.

  Mountain tortoise planting techniques:

Basin: mountain tortoise root system is well developed, with a darker pots better.

  Hotels soil: I generally use 35% of the particles of soil, the rest is garden soil or peat coco peat, etc., you can also add some cake fertilizer as basal, for example --- soil: peat: basal: perlite: Volcanic = 40 : 20: 5: 20:15.

  Watering: I usually poured verses, I can not remember even if it is generally preferred to keep the soil moisture but not water, especially in the hair root germination when watering frequently, and there is direct sunlight well, the sun light to the hair root has a great role in promoting germination.

How to cultivate Stephania ?

Routine maintenance: Mountain tortoise growing season is the annual spring and autumn, winter into hibernation after stop growing, vine leaves will wither, I fall mountain tortoise obvious stop growing when he started to water, throughout the winter to keep the soil is dry, in Shanghai, I was thrown in a winter outdoor translucent canopy below, the northern region is best placed indoors. The second year in late March to begin watering and placed in the sun the hair root germination.

How to cultivate Stephania ?

Vine Yedu Mao Sheng, it can be placed outdoors, can also be placed indoors, Yin Xiyang mountain tortoise resistant, strong environmental adaptability, many friends like to put on the desk mountain tortoise, green leaves very seductive, can relieve visual fatigue. Vine Hill tortoise, friends can according to preference, to take a stand in the mountain tortoise, turtle mountain since the vines are strong and even climbed on the roof (with loofah a fight), if you do not want to climb too high You can manually pruned vine leaves, in addition, do not put on airs let vine leaves fall naturally, but also look good.

How to cultivate Stephania ?

 Mountain tortoise planting techniques described here, in addition to the mountain tortoise head, the entire surface is relatively clean, generally will not grow something else, while the bottom side of generally curved, root systems will become increasingly rough, and sometimes also the side president of the root, so the shape of the mountain looks like a tortoise turtle.

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